Generating the keys

From the root of your Android tree, run these commands, altering the subject line to reflect your information:

$ subject='/C=US/ST=California/L=Mountain View/O=Android/OU=Android/CN=Android/'
$ mkdir ~/.android-certs
$ for x in releasekey platform shared media; do \
    ./development/tools/make_key ~/.android-certs/$x "$subject"; \

You should keep these keys safe, and store the passphrase in a secure location.

Generating an install package

Generating and signing target files

After following the build instructions for your device, instead of running brunch <codename>, run the following:

$ breakfast <codename>
$ mka target-files-package dist

Sit back and wait for a while - it may take a while depending on your computer’s specs. After it’s finished, you just need to sign all the APKs:

$ croot
$ ./build/tools/releasetools/sign_target_files_apks -o -d ~/.android-certs \
    out/dist/*-target_files-*.zip \

Generating the install package

Now, to generate the installable zip, run:

$ ./build/tools/releasetools/ota_from_target_files -k ~/.android-certs/releasekey \ \

Then, install the zip in recovery as you normally would.

Changing keys

You can set up your own migration builds by running:

$ repopick -t cm-data-migration

Then, follow the instructions to generate an install package.

Going back

After installing the migration build, you can switch back to building normal builds:

$ cd vendor/cm
$ git reset --hard github/cm-14.1
$ croot
$ cd frameworks/base
$ git reset --hard github/cm-14.1